Priyono1, Haryati2, Siti Fatimah3, Nur Ari4
Nowadays, Indonesia still has a disadvantage regencies as much as 23.74 percent of the total regencies. One of the disadvantaged districts is Boalemo Regency, Gorontalo Province. Boalemo Regency has problems in the area of indicators: Community Economy; Regional Financial Capability; and Regional Characteristics. Moreover, the interventions carried out have not yet been focused on the problematic indicators and sub-indicators. Therefore, strategies and methods are needed to intervene with programs according to the problematic sub-indicators so that the alleviation policy for disadvantaged areas is right on target. This research uses quantitative and qualitative approaches. The quantitative approach used is the k-mean cluster method, which is to find out the calcification of disadvantaged areas, and rapid miner 5.3 application to get the centroid of each variable that will be used as a reference for coaching interventions in disadvantaged areas. The results of the analysis show that conditions that are under centroids are: Number of villages, Paved roads, Paved road conditions, Land conditions, Percentage of villages that frequently occur in earthquakes, Percentage of the number of villages affected by floods, Percentage of other affected villages, Percentage of villages located in protected forests, percentage of villages with critical land, percentage of poor population, percentage of the population with per capita consumption expenditure, life expectancy, the average length of schooling, and percentage of households that use electricity. The strategy that needs to be done is to increase local capacity and capacity for the region, as well as to conceptualize the whole or even more, and measure their role as endogenous factors in the development process. The conclusion is that the Conditions of Disadvantaged Regions that have low indicators are not only those that are already, but there are still sub-indicators with scores below the centroid based on developed regional clusters. The design of accelerating the development of Underdeveloped Regions can be done with focus, locus, and temp adjusted to the needs and starting from the identification of development needs, low inventory of indicators and sub-indicators, program implementation, evaluation of implementation results, and all activities requiring provincial and central government assistance. It is recommended that the Central and Provincial Governments should provide assistance in planning, implementing, and evaluating the implementation of program interventions to accelerate the development of disadvantaged regions.