Authors: Aliyu Gadanga Tsafe, Ph.D., Florence Olabisi Ajani, Ph.D. & Abdulakeem Sodeeq Sulyman


This paper argues that this era of globalization facilitated by rapid and sporadic growth in all aspects of human life which may make an organization’s personnel lose interest in their work requires a leadership style that considers influencing, motivating, driving, and motivating organization’s personnel to be responding to emerging challenges. Its main objective is to show how transformational leadership can be used to increase leadership effectiveness in libraries. It notes that the four qualities of transformational leadership – idealized influence, inspirational motivation, intellectual stimulation, and individualized consideration – are instruments that if efficiently and technically utilized would aid in empowering, inspiring, motivating, and exploiting the skills of library personnel in achieving a library mission, visions, and objectives. It recommends that the use of a transformational leadership style in the library will make the library personnel productive because since it is concerned with intellectual stimulation and inspirational motivation, it drives library personnel to be committed to solving problems and responding to challenges that may arise while working on achieving library goals.

Keywords: Leadership, Transformational Leadership, Library Personnel, Library Goals, Library Objectives.


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