Authors: Aina, Stephen Ileoye (Ph.D.), Alebiosu, Emmanuel Olorunleke (Ph.D.) & Omolade Akinmade Olatunde (M.ED.)


Noise pollution is one of the major environmental pollutions that have direct effects on human performance. Thus, the survival and healthy existence of man depend largely on the enabling environment where he resides and works. This study, therefore, investigates Health Problems of Noise Pollution as Perceived by Workers in Dangote Cement Factory Obajana Kogi State.  The objectives of the study were to investigate: if noise pollution could lead to (i) hearing loss and; (ii) abnormal sleeping patterns as perceived by workers in the Dangote Cement factory in Obajana Kogi State. A descriptive research design of the survey type was used for the study. Population for the study comprised all Dangote cement factory workers, Obajana, Kogi State. The convenience sampling technique was used to select 520 respondents. A researcher designed a questionnaire that was validated and tested for reliability which yielded a coefficient of r = .78 through a test re-test method using Pearson Product Moment Correlation. Questionnaire forms were administered and collected by the researcher with two trained Research Assistants. The inferential statistics of Chi-square (x2) were used to analyze the null hypotheses at a 0.05 alpha level of significance. The findings of the study revealed that: hearing loss with (calculated x2 value= 513.66 > critical x2 value = 16.92 degree of freedom =9); abnormal sleeping pattern with (calculated x2 value= 439.22 > critical x2 value = 16.92 degree of freedom =9). It was concluded from the study that hearing loss and abnormal sleeping patterns are significant perceived health problems of noise pollution by workers in Dangote Cement Factory Obajana, Kogi State. Based on the conclusion, the following recommendations were made: Health talks would enlighten the factory workers on how to use hearing aids to prevent hearing loss among the factory workers and those already suffering from hearing loss are to be referred for proper medical care and factory workers should be given adequate health information on sleeping earlier after daily task/work so as to ensure proper rest and sound sleep.

Keywords: Hearing Loss, Abnormal Sleeping Pattern, and Factory Workers


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