Authors: James Okinyi Manyara Meja*, Evans Abenga Basweti &anne Monyenye Omwoyo


Storm water causes a major contamination for surface and subsurface waters in both urban and rural areas. In Kisii municipality it is observed that the major source of contaminants are non-point source pollution from farms and urban markets/garages. The study is carried in Kisii municipality on two rivers and five spring sampling a total of nine points, springs (4) and rivers (5) between 2019-2020 were identified through water sampling. Water quality parameters (Ammonium, Turbidity, Total Dissolved Solids, Electrical Conductivity, Total Coliform Count, Fecal Coliforms, Total Nitrates, PH, Hardness, Colour, Dissolved Oxygen Concentration and Total Suspended Solids) were measured and determined using Gebesys 10S VIS Spectrophotometer at Kenya Marine Fisheries Research Institute laboratories in Kisumu. Overall mean of five parameters (Ammonium, Total Nitrates, Total Phosphates, fecal and total coliforms) exceeded recommended World Health Organization and National Environmental Management Authority standards. Maximum values of turbidity, total dissolved solids, dissolved oxygen and hardness exceed these standards during the wet period.

Keywords: Water Quality, Storm Drainages, Domestic Water


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