Author: Joseph Tesha
The main aim of this paper was to examine the importance of the sector on the household sector in the Magu district. The study sample included one hundred livestock keepers from five wards. Both secondary and primary data sources were used. Surveys, questionnaires, and interviews were used to collect the data. The study used a descriptive design approach to analyze the data. An econometric model was used to assess the relationship between the importance of the livestock sector keeping and the economy of households in the study area. The results suggested the importance of both livestock keeping and its contribution to household income in the study area. The results also found that there was a positive contribution of the sector to household Income. The study recommended that education on the importance of modern (Zero) livestock keeping could make difference in livestock keeping in the area, given its use intentionally.
Keywords: Livestock Contribution, Economic growth, Sector, Descriptive Approach, Magu District Mwanza, Tanzania
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