Authors: Rein Herawati* & Andrieta Shintia Dewi**


The stock price is the selling price of a stock formed on the basis of the demand and supply of the stock on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX), and the stock is known to provide two types of income, namely dividends and increased capital gains. There are several ways to find out whether a stock price is good or not, one of them is by analyzing several ratios, for example, market ratios, liquidity ratios, and profitability ratios. There is a difference between facts and theory in the pharmaceutical sub-sector companies in 2015-2020. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of market ratios, liquidity ratios, and profitability ratios on stock prices of pharmaceutical sub-sector companies in 2015-2020 simultaneously and partially. Data. The stock price as a variable (Y) and current ratio, return on equity, earnings per share, price earning ratio, and market-to-book value ratio (X). This research is quantitative research with data analysis methods in the form of descriptive analysis, classical assumption test, multiple linear regression analysis, and significant test. Based on the results of this study, partially current ratio and market-to-book value ratio affect stock prices. Meanwhile, return on equity, earnings per share, and price-earning ratio have no effect on stock prices. Meanwhile, simultaneously the current ratio, return on equity, earnings per share, price earning ratio and market-to-book value ratio has an effect on stock prices.

Keywords: Stock Price, Market Ratio, Liquidity Ratio, and Profitability Ratio.


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First Author – Rein Herawati, Student, Management Business Telecommunication and Informatics, Telkom University, Indonesia

Second Author – Andrieta Shintia Dewi, Lecturer of Faculty of Economics and Business, Telkom University, Indonesia