Authors: Oom Mukarromah, Dini Fitriani & Fadilla Oktaviana


This research refers to the impact of smartphones on children’s behavior and achievements in the digital era according to Islamic law. The aim of this research is to find out the impact of smartphones on the behavior and achievements of children in the digital era according to Islamic law. This research method uses qualitative research and field research. By using primary data sources and secondary data sources. Data collection techniques the authors obtained from observation, interviews, and documentation. The results of this study have several conclusions as follows, 1. The use of smartphones in children has positive and negative impacts, especially on children’s behavior and achievements. The positive impact influences children to be more active and confident in dealing with other people and in learning. Meanwhile, the negative impact of the behavior and achievements of the next generation is a change in emotional behavior, social behavior, violent behavior, lazy behavior and sleep disturbances, and cyberbullying behavior. 2. The efforts of several parents in Sukatani provide boundaries, accompany, and be firm in operating smartphones. But, there are still many parents who do not know how to operate a smartphone. So that children can easily access it without the assistance of parents. 3. According to Islamic Law, the behavior of some digital-era children in Sukatani spends a lot of time in their daily lives playing with smartphones and causing changes in behavior that are not good, thus deviating from Islamic law. And some of the parents in Sukatani have not perfectly provided assistance in accordance with Islamic family law. Both are contained in the Qur’an and the Compilation of Islamic Law regarding parenting/care of children. According to Islamic Law, the behavior of some digital-era children in Sukatani spends a lot of time in their daily lives playing on smartphones and causing changes in behavior that are not good, thus deviating from Islamic law. And some of the parents in Sukatani have not perfectly provided assistance in accordance with Islamic family law. Both are contained in the Qur’an and the Compilation of Islamic Law regarding parenting/care of children. According to Islamic Law, the behavior of some digital-era children in Sukatani spends a lot of time in their daily lives playing on smartphones and causing changes in behavior that are not good, thus deviating from Islamic law. And some of the parents in Sukatani have not perfectly provided assistance in accordance with Islamic family law. Both are contained in the Qur’an and the Compilation of Islamic Law regarding parenting/care of children.

Keywords: The impact of smartphones, children’s behavior and achievements, Islamic law.


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