Authors: Ogiriki Tonye (Ph.D.) & Ayodeji Temitope


The main purpose of this study is to see how Nigerian tax officials prevent and detect tax fraud. The tax authorities of Bayelsa state are the principal focus of this study. The information for the project came from both primary and secondary sources. 133 questionnaires were circulated to obtain primary data, and all of the returned surveys were received. Secondary data for this study was gathered from journals and other papers. This is how questionnaire responses were categorized. Frequency and contingency tables were created. Tax fraud is connected to inefficient and unproductive tax management, according to the conclusions of this study. The conclusions of this inquiry will help tax administrators, government officials, taxpayers, financial analysts, and auditors who pay taxes.

Keywords: Tax, Tax fraud, Tax authority, Financial analyst, Tax Management, and Tax Payers.


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