Authors: Nyoman Sri Subawa, Anak Agung Istri Syawana Bargandini, Dhira Audarika & Fellicia Ayu Ningrat


Sales promotions conducted in e-commerce can trigger customers to make spontaneous purchases. However, the reaction could lead to an unappealing effect for businesses. This study investigates the effect of impulsive buying from the influence of sales promotion in Shopee e-commerce. A total of 171 Millennial generations in Bali, Indonesia, participated in the questionnaire and were analyzed through PLS-SEM. As a result, it was discovered a negative effect of sales promotion toward post-purchase regret, and a positive effect on both sales promotion on impulsive buying and impulsive buying on post-purchase regret. It was also revealed that impulsive buying serves as a full mediating variable between sales promotions toward post-purchase regret. The findings of this research showed significance to Shopee e-commerce, businesses, specifically marketers, in determining the right sales promotion strategy. This study provides originality by investigating the direct influence between sales promotion toward post-purchase regret and impulsive buying as mediating variables.

Keywords: sales promotion; impulsive buying; post-purchase regret


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