Authors: Mildred Acha & Lawrence F. Fombe


Rapid socio-economic changes are an issue of pressing concern for many urban residents and local governments in urban areas of third world cities. This arises as a result of changing urban lifestyles, technology and population increase. This paper describes how gentrification patterns and trends manifest socio-economically across the metropolis of Bamenda. The study employs the survey, historical and comparative research designs, making use of qualitative methods using SPSS version 20 and Microsoft Excel 2016 version to analyze and verify the stated hypothesis. Findings reveal that neighbourhood revitalization within the high-density residential zones predominantly take the form of rehabilitation (renovation and refurbishment) of decrepit housing and socio-economic facilities, while the low-density residential zones are transformed mostly through newly built-up structures. The study concludes that significant differences prevail in the gentrification patterns across the metropolis, which are not monitored, non-harmonious and unsustainable to uphold the aesthetics of the metropolis. Suggestions verge on the premise that the patterns be monitored and sustainably guided by the city planners to harmonize urban development in the metropolis.

Keywords: Gentrification, Bamenda metropolis, Revitalization, Patterns, Property value.


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