Authors: Risa Ismah Fatimah, Wahyu Angzelina Simanjuntak, Natasha Abrel Ardhani & Farah Margaretha Leon
The market share price is an important factor that investors look at before buying shares because the market share price is an indicator of a company’s success in managing its business. The purpose of this research is to know and see the influence of the factors that influence market share prices. The independent variables in this study are earnings per share, dividends per share, price earnings ratio, and book value per share, dividend yield, retention ratio, and company age. Meanwhile, the dependent variable is the market share price. This research was conducted by collecting 22 companies registered in LQ-45 companies over a period of 5 years (2017-2021). The results of the research conducted explained that earnings per share, dividends per share, price earnings ratio, dividend yield, and book value per share have a significant positive effect on market share prices, while firm age and retention ratio have no effect on market share prices. The implication of the research that has been done is to provide direction for financial managers regarding the specific factors that influence market share prices in order to achieve the company’s goal of increasing the company’s market share price. Investors should choose companies that have high earnings per share, dividends per share, price-earnings ratio, book value per share, and dividend yields because this indicates the company’s success in managing its business, this is reflected by the price of its shares, so Investors get a high rate of return on the shares they own.
Keywords: Book Value per Share, Dividend per Share, Dividend yield, Earnings per Share, Market price per share
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First Author – Risa Ismah Fatimah, Student, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Trisakti,
Second Author – Wahyu Angzelina Simanjuntak, Student, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Trisakti,
Third Author – Natasha Abrel Ardhani, Student, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Trisakti,
Fourth Author – Farah Margaretha Leon, Lecturer, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Trisakti,
Correspondence Author – Wahyu Angzelina Simanjuntak, Student, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Trisakti,