Authors: Cecilia Nundu Katumo, Dr. Sedina Burkitt Misango & Dr. Susan Njeri Wamitu


The wireless network revolution has transformed lives and business performance with unprecedented speed and scale, delivering real-time data and it can be quickly and easily installed. The objective of this study was to determine the influence of wireless network accessibility on organizational performance in the undevolved government ministries in Machakos town. To achieve the objectives, 96 respondents were chosen and interviewed. The sample comprised of the top, middle and lower-level managers, and all other employees who were not in management. There were 49(53.26%) males and 43(46.74%) females. Pearson correlations and ordinal regression models were applied to data analysis. Based on the study findings, 53(57.6%) of the respondents cited that, due to wireless network uptake the set targets were met and 66(71.74%) stated that, wireless network usage enabled the timely completion of tasks. There was a positive and significant relationship between the wireless network accessibility and the organizations’ performance with Pearson Correlation values of 0.199 and the p-values (2-tailed) of 0.005. The univariate ordinal regression analysis indicated that for every one unit increase in wireless network access, there was a 2.876, increase in the ordered log odds of being in a higher level of performance, given all of the other variables in the model were held constant. Wireless network access was significant at in the multiple ordinal regression models, with P-values of less than 0.05 thresholds. Induction manuals and provision of multiple channels and ample wireless network coverage within the workstations were recommended.  Similar research but at different counties and institutions, to ascertain the result’s validity, reliability, and generalizability of the study was recommended for further research.


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