Authors: Hannatu Sabo Ahmad, Kabir Tahir Hamid, Zaharaddeen Salisu Maigoshi, Rashida Lawan & Farida Shehu Aliyu


Manifestation of gender inequality can be observed in several aspects of daily life such as access to education, job opportunities, and economic resources. This is not restricted to any society but is common in most parts of the world, although in varying degrees. Gender Responsive Budgeting (GRB) is a concept that examines public budget to see how it affects women and men, girls and boys, and to determine the extent to which the budget processes and decisions promote gender equality or increase inequality. It focuses on gender rather than women alone, as there are no separate budgets for women or men. There are many pathways to women’s empowerment but Gender Responsive Budgeting (GRB) is critical. Research on gender-responsive budgeting has gained considerable attention across the globe.  Several studies were conducted on women empowerment and GRB, the role of budgeting for sustainable and inclusive growth, gender dimensions of expenditure and revenue policy, and systems and case studies of GRB. Others are Gender Responsive Public Expenditure Management, a survey of GRB efforts among the others. In Nigeria, the top five challenges affecting women were identify as poverty, lack of financial empowerment, lack of access to quality education, gender inequality and domestic violence which many researchers believed to be solved through effective use of gender responsive budgeting.

Keywords: Economic Empowerment, Gender Equality, Gender Responsive Budgeting, Women Empowerment, Sustainable Development Goals.


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