Author: Samuel Benn Moturi


Modern culture shows that we remain both haunted and fascinated by ideas about magic and witchcraft. The supernatural that we have inherited from previous centuries the idea of the renaissance hag. An old, ugly woman, contrasting sharply with masculine ideals of womanhood and possessing the power of wicked magic. The idea of such a woman originated and still disturb us. Introduce the concept of magic and witchcraft a core concept for our purposiveness. Indeed argued there were four related concepts of witchcraft in early modern Europe. The demonic witch, village, folkloric and envisioned which meant a league with the Devil. The village witch worked harmful magic on neighbours; the folkloric the subject of stories and the envisioned witch was experienced through dreams, night witch was night -mares and fantasies, then elaborated into folkloric motives with cultural meanings. Administering descriptive questionnaire method meant for primary data, while journals be used for secondary data. The study findings will address the gap created on low farm payments of agribusiness products and indicate through other alternatives, be recommend by scholars in the field of academia.


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