Authors: Cristiane Bergmann & Walter Boechat


This work, based on Carl Gustav Jung’s depth psychology, looks at blood as an alchemical element of the body and soul that connects us to our roots, to our ancestors, to the original peoples, connecting us both as individuals and as a Brazilian people.

By delving into the symbolism of blood and understanding its relationship with the formation and identity of the Brazilian people, some memories will be pointed out regarding the history of the Brazilian people, from the beginning of the colonization process by the white European people, as well as how the Brazilian people were born, the quality of the bonds and relationships between the indigenous original peoples and the Portuguese from the 16th century to the present day, relating some stories that reveal, today, the conflicts over the demarcation of lands and the protection of indigenous peoples in Brazil.

Blood, as a living element that constitutes and connects us, will also be approached from the point of view of indigenous mythology, through the narrative of the story of Kamé and Kairú, of the meeting between the Sun and the Moon from the point of view of the Kaingang people.

For the alchemical integration of these processes between blood and the individual and collective psyche, the symbolism of blood in the chalice, the blood of communion, will be the alchemical vessel for combining the parts studied here, in order to create awareness and transformation through the process of individuation.

Keywords: Blood; Brazil; indigenous peoples; alchemy; indigenous mythology, ancestry.


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