Authors: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Masno M, S.E., M.M. & Dr. Hadi Supratikta, M.M. 


The property and real estate sector in Indonesia has shown an interesting trend over a certain period. Investment realization in the real estate and property sectors before and after Covid-19 has experienced a significant increase from year to year, indicating the increasing interest of investors to invest their capital in this sector.

The purpose of the research is to find out and analyze the tasks of financial management, namely investment decisions, financing decisions, dividend policies, and foreign share ownership on the value of the company.

The research method used is quantitative research and the population in this study is all Real Estate and Property subsector companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange, this study, conducted sample selection using the purposive sampling method and panel data regression analysis was carried out to analyze the data in this study with EViews 12.

The results show that the value of companies in the real estate and property sector in Indonesia is not affected by factors such as stock ownership, and financial management tasks such as investment decisions, financing decisions, and dividend policies.

Therefore, it is recommended to adopt a more holistic corporate value strategy with a focus on improving operational performance, cost efficiency, and product innovation. Re-evaluation of financial strategies, improved communication with shareholders, and development of innovative strategies are also necessary to ensure that the company can create added value beyond traditional factors and strengthen its position in the market.

Keywords: Funding Policy, Investment, Dividends, Foreign Share Ownership, Company Value


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