Author: Dr. Rudahigwa Oswald PhD


The aim of this study was to find out the effective loan management and   financial performance of commercial banks in Rwanda. The methodology employed descriptive and correlational designs. Purposive sampling technique was applied to select sampled respondents. Data was analyzed using descriptive statistics, spearman correlation, regression analysis and financial ratios analysis.  After all the following findings were reached: The effectiveness of loan management was measured by loans planning, client appraisal and collection policy.

Qualitatively analysis was used to explain the effectiveness of loan management and financial performance. According to the financial performance considering the overall   mean of 3.97   which is interpreted as high mean. The quantitative results that were examined through the financial statements of Bank of Kigali Group Plc   in form of profitability ratio, liquidity ratios and efficiency. To the third specific objective, it was found that there is high correlation between loan management and profitability of Bank of Kigali Group Plc. This is explained by the correlation (r) of 0.734 which is interpreted as high and the p-value of 0.00 which is less that the significance value of 0.01.

Based on findings have provide the suggestions to BK Plc: It is suggested that periodically relevant training programs are organized for credit officers particularly in the area of risk management, management of loan default and financial analysis. This helps improve the knowledge and analytical skills of the loan officers so as to improve their client’s appraisal techniques.  The credit committees at all levels must review clients’ bank statements in order to ensure that credit is collected in a timely manner. The Bank of Kigali Plc should check at the character of the borrower during loan review and to enhance their loan risk control.

Key concepts: Effective Loan management, financial performance of commercial banks in Rwanda


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