Author: Jacob Dut Chol Riak, PhD


The paper has argued the vitality of leadership and management in South Sudan. It does so by thought-provokingly reviewing the current situation of leadership and management in the nascent state. While the paper begun the review with the concept of leadership and management and their theories, it has found out the situation of leadership and management in South Sudan to be very dire. This is because most of the leaders and managers in South Sudan are characterized by incompetency, autocracy and lack of vision to drive their programmes and projects to their citizens. The paper then recommends the ten commandments of leadership and management in South Sudan. These commandments include effective planning & budgeting, effective communication & coordination, effective reporting, effective monitoring & evaluation, effective accountability & transparency, effective capacity building, effective auditing (programmes & finances), effective control, effective adherence to all laws, regulations, policies, systems & procedures  and effective supervision. Moreover, the necessity of corporate governance is very critical in order to move South Sudan to the path of sustainable development.

The paper used process-tracing and case study of South Sudan as the methodology. It concludes by arguing that leadership and management in South Sudan are more now important than before to leapfrog South Sudan into a prosperous Republic governs by effective laws, regulations, policies, systems and procedures. South Sudan needs to adopt transformative leadership in order to compete in the global programmes and projects. While its seems as impossible to set all well in South Sudan, it is possible with right attitude and zeal to turn things around and make them happen.

Keywords: Leadership, management, theories, commandments, corporate governance,


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