Authors: Yousef Keshavarz*, Zeinab Ansari & Amin Arandi
Since the cost of acquiring a new customer is between 5 to 10 times more than retaining an existing customer, and the loss of a customer is equivalent to losing the potential of 100 other customers, customer loyalty is considered a crucial and vital factor for the success, continuity, and profitability of an organization. Organizations and institutions that succeed in increasing customer loyalty will have a significant competitive advantage due to the loyalty of their customers.
In this research, all influential variables on loyalty that have been discussed in studies over the past 53 years (1970 to 2023) have been presented. Despite numerous studies conducted over the past 53 years regarding loyalty in various industries worldwide, there is no comprehensive article that consolidates all these research findings and relevant variables. Therefore, this article aims to provide a theoretical framework in this area by presenting relevant loyalty theories and research conducted in reputable international journals. The goal is not only to contribute to the research literature by synthesizing relevant studies but also to offer a scientific framework in the field of loyalty research for researchers.
Keywords: customer loyalty, Customer satisfaction, Loyalty theories.
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