Authors: Kouame Kouakou Félicien & Digbeu Alain Fabrice
The present study aims to determine the structuring elements of social representations of the Ivorian Electricity Company among populations in Côte d’Ivoire, particularly in Yopougon, in the economic capital Abidjan. For this purpose, a sample of 250 male and female participants from the said locality is constituted using the stratified random sampling technique. These participants are subjected to the evocation questionnaire and the characterization test of Abic (1994) using the structural approach to social representations. Analysis of the data using évoc2005 and simi2005 reveals a largely negative perception of the CIE, dominated by notions of high cost, injustice and abuse. Variations between groups show how social representations are structured differently depending on experiences and specific socio-economic contexts. These elements therefore belong to the central core of these representations both at the level of the overall sample and at the level of the different categories.
Keywords: Social representations, central core, periphery, CIE, Yopougon, Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire
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