Authors: Isito Ogheneochuko Emmanuel, Ph.D & Ojuye Thomas Enewerome, Ph.D
The aim of this paper is to identify the role accountability and transparency can play in engendering and sustaining development in Nigeria. To realize this objective, extensive survey of opinions in the literature was carried out. Findings showed that accountability and transparency are critical success factors in the pursuit of national development. We also found out that the major obstacle to development in Nigeria, namely corruption, can be successfully tackled in an atmosphere of accountability and transparency. In Nigeria, there are laws aimed at promoting accountability and transparency, however implementation of these laws is lacking due to self-interest of leaders. Based on our findings, we recommended among other things that governance structures should be strengthened to empower stakeholders to demand transparent and accountable leadership from leaders.
Keywords: Accountability, Transparency, Development, Corruption, Leadership, Nigeria
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