Author: Dr. Turan Başkonuş
The aim of this paper is to investigate the potential, advantages and applicability of the holacracy management model in sport management. In addition, it is also one of the main objectives of the study to evaluate the contributions that can be provided by the transition from traditional hierarchical structures to participatory models such as holacracy and the challenges that this transition brings. In this respect, this article evaluates the potential, advantages and applicability of holacracy as an innovative management model in sport management. Replacing traditional hierarchical structures, holacracy aims to increase organisational agility by offering employees more autonomy, flexibility and participation. In this study, the foundations of the holacracy concept are discussed and the contributions and challenges of this model in sport management are analysed in detail. The literature review revealed that holacracy supports fast decision-making processes in sport organisations, encourages innovation and increases the creativity of individuals. However, it is also emphasised that factors such as organisational adaptation, cultural challenges and cost may pose difficulties in the implementation process. As a future perspective, it is suggested that the integration of holacracy model into sport management should be carefully planned and hybrid models should be developed.
Keywords: Sport, Sport Management, Holacracy
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