Author: Kezia Ayu Brilliany & Indrawati


Due to the growth of the internet of things, applications, and smartphones, the food industry and online food delivery (OFD) applications have grown significantly. Given their rapid growth, food delivery businesses in Indonesia have a huge amount of space to grow. Proving that during the COVID-19 pandemic, the biggest routine expenditure by Indonesians was on food purchased through internet delivery services. The purpose of this study is to analyze the factors influencing the continuance intention to use OFD applications in Indonesia by using modified the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology 2 (UTAUT2) Model, which includes Trust as an additional variable. The findings of this study reveal that the Indonesian people have a good attitude toward the continuance of the use of OFD applications. The R² value indicates that Habit, Social Influence, and Trust all have a 61.7% influence on the Continuance Intention to use OFD applications in Indonesia. Meanwhile, Age moderates Habit and Trust variables towards Continuance Intention; gender becomes a moderating variable on the Habit towards Continuance Intention.

Keywords: continuance intention; COVID-19; Indonesia; Online Food Delivery (OFD); UTAUT2


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First Author – Kezia Ayu Brilliany, Student, International ICT Business, Telkom University, Indonesia,

Second Author – Indrawati, Permanent Lecturer of Faculty of Economics and Business, Telkom University, Indonesia,