
John Bosco Ekanem, Stella Patrick Essien & Theresa E. Okon


In Nigeria, politicians seek refuge in religion as security measure to ward off the evil eye and machination of sorcery and witchcraft that stand on their way to success. Since Churchmen and women arrogate to themselves the ability to protect political office seekers by covering them with the blood of Christ, there is a guaranteed security for political aspirants. It is this religious posturing that turns political campaigns into a rite of passage aimed at consolidating politics of the belly and the occult and giving lee way to corruption and impoverishment of the nation through wasteful spending. This paper holds that the posture of Nigeria as a secular state should be streamlined and politicians who use religion to foster their political fortunes should be sanctioned with appropriate laws put in place. If religious leaders play their prophetic roles in society, then they will serve as conscience of the nation.

Keywords: Politics, Religion, Political Campaigns, Ritual, Transformation


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