Authors: Mercy Ita Effiong & Kemfon Aniedi Essien


The alleviation of poverty in Nigeria has rather proven to be an uphill task as poverty remains endemic, particularly amongst the rural population. This paper interrogates the poverty alleviation programs of the Nigerian government in the current decade with a view to proposing an alternative paradigm for rural poverty alleviation. Through an observational-theoretical approach, a model of poverty alleviation that is anchored on the perceptions, views, and aspirations of the rural people was articulated and presented. The model represents a shift from a conventional top-bottom approach where the “Urban Elites” occupy the top role in the poverty alleviation schemes to put the rural people at the top. It is believed that making rural people major stakeholders in the planning and implementation of poverty alleviation programs in their domain is key to addressing rural poverty.

Keywords; Paradigm; Poverty; Rural; Poverty Alleviation; Nigeria; Model


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