Authors: Yusuf, Mohammed Aliyua, PhD, Dzugwahi, Haruna (MSc, FCA) & Adigizey John Dollay, PhD


The effect of corporate governance (CG) on the financial performance of publicly traded Nigerian insurance companies was researched to learn more about that financial performance. An expo-facto research design was employed. The study’s population and sample were the twenty-four (24) publicly traded Nigerian insurance companies as of 31st December 2021. Panel data from the financial statements of insurance companies for the years 2012 to 2021 was gathered, and panel corrected standard error regression was used to analyze the data.  The findings revealed that corporate Governance elements have a significant impact on financial performance. This study also found that board size, board meetings, board independence, and audit committee size have a significant effect on return on assets. The study recommended that the defined minimum number of audit committee members at the listed insurance companies in Nigeria should be maintained. In addition, the study recommends that board size should match the code and that more meetings involving shareholders and their representatives should be held to improve company policies and strategies that can help increase financial performance.

Keywords: Corporate Governance, Financial Performance, insurance companies, Return on Asset, Panel corrected standard errors.


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