Authors: Rizqoni Waliyul Arinni & Osa Omar Sharif


The rise of the opportunity in iced tea businesses today become more promising for many new brands sprung up. The great consumption of people makes the current beverage business more dominating. However, along the way, the journey has not always been smooth, especially since Covid-19 entered Indonesia and hit most sectors of the economy, reducing people’s purchasing power is included. This was also felt by one of the local beverage businesses, Esteh Indonesia, where the product sales have been declining. This decline in sales resulted in a decrease in customer’s purchase intention, so companies need to develop strategies to attract their customer’s intention to make purchases of the products offered, which can be through social media. So, this study aims to find out how the effect of firm-created social media communication and user-generated social media communication in generating passion for brands that raises purchase intention in the audience’s mind. This study used quantitative methods by distributing questionnaires. The data analysis techniques used were descriptive statistical analysis and Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) with the help of AMOS software. The results indicated that firm-created social media communication influences user-generated social media communication and on generating passion for the communicated brand, so the brand passion affects purchase intention. Meanwhile, user-generated social media communication does not affect brand passion.

Keywords: Brand Passion, Purchase Intention, Social Media Marketing, Social Media User.


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First Author – Rizqoni Waliyul Arinni, Student, Management Business Telecommunication and Informatics, Telkom University, Indonesia.

Second Author – Osa Omar Sharif, Lecturer of Faculty of Economics and Business, Telkom University, Indonesia.