Authors: Rosmalinda, Ningrum Natasya Sirait & Siti Khairunnisa


The state as well as Indonesia must fulfill the constitutional rights of citizens such as legal aid. Since 2013, Indonesia has had a priority program concerning legal aid for the poor. There is an increasing number of OBH since The Ministry of Law and Human Rights – National Legal Development Agency conducting the verification and accreditation for Legal Aid Organization. This study raises a question; is verification and accreditation of legal aid organizations based on Law No. 16/2011 a form of fulfillment of the state obligation of Human rights? This study uses a normative approach by analyzing regulations concerning providing legal aid. As result, verification and accreditation of OBH is a measure of Indonesia to fulfill its obligations in regard to guaranteeing equal rights for every citizen of Indonesia. There is a suggestion namely Indonesian government needs to support the establishment of OBH in regard to providing access to legal aid for the community equally.

Keywords: “Verification, Accreditation, OBH, Obligation”


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