Authors: Dr. S. Dhanalakshmi & Dr. K. Komalavalli
Teachers are multi-talented at handling the syllabus, emotions, and guidance to introduce various fields to the students for future selection. The study aimed to find out whether these teachers are familiar with technology to adopt for online classes during a pandemic situation and also the researcher aimed to find out whether they are interested in continuing the use of ICTs after coming back to offline classes. The study was conducted among the 73 selected private school teachers in and around Chennai. The responses of the teachers were collected through a structured questionnaire in both direct and Google forms. From this study, the researcher identified that both the teachers and students are interested in continuing ICTs for their teaching and learning process. The result of the acceptance at a 5% significant level is that the IC tools are more effective in the teaching and learning process during and after covid situations. Thus, it reduces their effort to maintain records of work, and materials stored in ICTs are more useful for recollecting and revision
Keywords: Communication tools, materials, technology, E-Library, Revision
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