Authors: Lesly Saviera, Cheryl Patriana Yuswar & Ningrum Natasya Sirait


This paper aims to find out the laws and regulations in Indonesia in overcoming obstacles that cause harm to Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises in the Marketplace. Some of the obstacles experienced by Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises actors come from consumers in the Cash on Delivery payment system and from the Marketplace platform, namely deductions from income funds or admin fees. To reach conclusions from the problems in this paper using empirical juridical methods with a qualitative approach by comparing Marketplace regulations in Japan, as well as collecting data on documentation and response studies. The research results show that the problem with consumers is that there are no laws and regulations that specifically regulate the Marketplace for solving problems in the Cash on Delivery payment system. Application of articles 1226 and 1227 of the Civil Code and Government Regulation of the Republic of Indonesia No. 71 of 2019 concerning the Implementation of the Electronic Transaction System, articles 45 and article 46 can be a solution for resolving legal disputes for Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises actors. As merchants, Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Actors in the marketplace can demand compensation and consumers who cancel transactions unilaterally get a deterrent effect. Whereas in determining admin fees there are no laws and regulations that specifically regulate the maximum limit that can be set by the marketplace platform for merchants, in this case, Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises actors.

Keywords: marketplace, Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises, regulation


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