Author: Badji Ouyi 


Despite the growing concern of researchers and practitioners for psychological health at work, the concept of psychological well-being at work still seems to be little addressed in the African scientific community in particular. In fact, little effort has been made to develop knowledge about psychological well-being at work, linked to the day-to-day reality of employees. Thus, the present study focuses on the relationship that might exist between recognition at work and the psychological well-being of workers.

To this end, we interviewed 115 commission agents of an insurance company in Togo using a questionnaire. Results showed that recognition at work centered on esteem and support from superiors and colleagues has a positive influence on interpersonal agreement at work. On the other hand, the study invalidated that the recognition at work centered on career development would lead to fulfillment in the work of the commissionaires.

Keywords: Recognition, work, well-being, psychological, subjective well-being


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