Authors: I Made Jamin Yasa, Dewi Soraya & Ni Ketut Sariani


This study aims to answer the main problems regarding the role of awig-awig, Tri Hita Karana organizational culture and Asta Brata Leadership in improving LPD performance. This research was conducted at 122 LPDs throughout Bbadung Regency. The analysis technique used to answer the hypothesis is PLS-SEM analysis, with the help of Smarts 3.2.9 Software. The results of the study show that 1) the leadership of asta dasa parameter prabhu has a positive effect on performance at the Badung Regency Village Credit Institution. 2) Tri Hita Karana culture has a positive effect on organizational performance at the Badung Regency Village Credit Institution. 3) Awig-awig protection has a positive effect on LPD performance. 4) Awig-awig protection has not been able to strengthen asta brata leadership and tri hita karana culture on LPD performance.

Keywords: Awig-Awig Protection, THK Culture, Asta Brata Leadership, LPD Performance


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