Authors: Alson Nhari & Dr. Dumisani Rumbidzai Muzira


This study was performed to explore factors affecting credit rating and strategies used by Zimbabwean reinsurers to increase their rating. The study adopted the KMV Model. The study utilised a descriptive research design. The population set was the nine reinsurance companies in Zimbabwe and eight of them were the study sample. The Chief Executive Officers (CEOs) of the eight companies were purposively selected to be interviewed. From the literature and the interviews, four variables which are; Operating Environment, Business Profile, Financial Profile and Comparative Profile are the main factors that affect the credit rating of reinsurers. Some of the strategies used by Zimbabwean reinsurers are change of geographical location, keeping their credit utilization rate low and enhancing the balance sheet strength, expeditious claims payment, rate manipulations and split ratings.

Keywords: Credit Rating, Reinsurers, Business Profile, Financial Profile


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