Authors: Bitrus Ndawalni Umar, Iliya H. Usmana & Veronica N. Ndubuisi


Advertising is an important part of the overall marketing plan of almost every organization that provides a product or a service to the general public. The advertisers want to attract customers to a specific store or place of business both at local and international level.  Advertisement of products was very difficult then as there were few mercantiles to advertise their products as there were only a few advertising agencies to advertise such products across the world.  However, the advent of technology has broken down the bureaucratic bottleneck that hinders the flow of advertising agencies to reach its targeted audience with specific products or services. This innovation in technology has ushered in the use of many advertisement agencies on internet network site to reach their potential customers across the world. In most recent times, the use of FaceBook, Twitter, WhatsApp, Pinterest, Newspapers and Magazines, Radio and Television and other media of communication have brought in the integration of marketing communication to reach out within a specific period of time its numerous customers across the world.  For any products to be build and sustain for development, there must be the presence of Mass Media Agencies, who are the vehicles of information to disseminate, and educate numerous customers on any new brands of products that is new in the market for people to patronize. The integration of marketing communication has brought in a new strategies to targets its customers on when, where and how a product can be located, bought and how it can be delivered to its ultimate consumers. The study adopted the library research techniques, using books, journals and magazines for its sources of materials.  Uses and gratification and the Diffusion of Innovation theories were used to explain the study.  Discussions and findings were drawn from the research materials gathered for adequate argument on the topic in question.


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