Authors: Ogwezzy, R.G., Anho, J.E, & Akpotu, N.E.


This study was undertaken to examine principals’ administrative negligence and teachers’ job commitment in public secondary schools in Bayelsa and Delta States. Four research questions were raised and two hypotheses were formulated and tested. The study adopted ex post facto research design. The population of the study comprised 17,190 consisting of principals, teachers and members of Post Primary Education Board (PPEB). The sample used was 1035`. The main instruments used were the questionnaires. The statistical tool used for analysis of the research questions were the mean and standard deviation while  Pearson’s product moment correlation was used for the test of hypotheses at 0.05 level of significance. The study found among others, that there is neglect of basic administrative functions of principals in Bayelsa and Delta States. The average level of teachers’ job commitment for both states was high but principals’ administrative negligence did not account for teachers’ job commitment in public secondary schools in Bayelsa and Delta States respectively. In Delta State, there was a significant relationship between administrative functions that principals neglect and teachers’ job commitment in public secondary schools but in Bayelsa State there was not. Based on the findings, it was recommended among others, that principals should be more effective in the discharge of their administrative functions, the staff of the Post Primary Education Board should beef up their monitoring functions in public secondary schools and principals in public secondary schools should be exposed to regular seminars on school administration.

Keywords; Principals, Administrative Negligence, Teachers’ Job Commitment


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