Authors: Raden Faridz* & Ula Wari Setiawati 


Consumer satisfaction and loyalty are an essential part of the sustainability of a business because customer satisfaction and loyalty affect the company’s revenue. This study aims to identify and analyze the factors influencing satisfaction and loyalty and examine the relationship between customer satisfaction and consumer loyalty in the Lamongan Rocket Chicken branch. The methods used in customer satisfaction analysis are Importance Performance Analysis (IPA) and Customer Satisfaction Index (CSI), while the loyalty picture is used as a loyalty pyramid. The results of the IPA research show that the attributes that need to be improved are hygiene attributes in food presentation, the speed at which servers serve the ordered menu, and the availability of food and drinks that consumers want to order. The calculation results based on the consumer satisfaction index (CSI) are 69.83%. Based on brand loyalty analysis, the highest level of Rocket Chicken consumer loyalty is switcher buyers, with a value of 21.50%. So, the quality of service is the most prominent factor of the Rocket Chicken branch in Lamongan, and it can affect the loyalty of switcher buyer consumers.

Keywords: Customer Satisfaction Index; CSI; Importance Performance Analysis; IPA; Customer Satisfaction


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