Author: Goodluck Ofobruku


Public service motivation is gaining substantial empirical support as a valuable variable in public sector organizations. Several studies have observed organizationally desirable relationship between public service motivation and several employees’ attitudes and behaviour. However, the various accounts on public service motivation spread over several journal articles, thereby lacking practical appeal. This paper aimed at filling this gap as it reviews studies on public service motivation and job performance. The purpose of the review is to identify and put together in a single paper the dominant implication of public service motivation on job performance as indicated in the literature This systematic compilation would plausibly make the observed dominant findings (that is, positive influence of public service motivation on performance) appealing and convincing for organizational practitioners to adopt and apply. Person-environment fit theory offers theoretical support for the dominant pattern of relationships that is revealed in the reviewed empirical studies.

Keywords: Public sector, public service motivation, job performance, person-environment fit theory and literature review


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