Author: Emil Dinga
The paper is aimed to discuss the political school of Ordoliberalism as a possible philosophical and theoretical ground for a smart governance. The main objectives of the paper are: (1) to describe the basic coordinates of the Ordoliberalism, in its logical and historical path; (2) to conceptualize the smart governance from two perspectives: efficaciousness and ethics; (3) to argue the theoretical vocation of Ordoliberalism in establishing the principled base for a smart governance for a smart governance. The approach of the research is based on four methodological anchors: (a) logical examination; (b) historical assessment; (c) institutional analysis; and (d) axiological/ethical interpretation. The results of research are mainly theoretical (even philosophical): (i) logical definitions (based on sufficiency predicates) of the concept of Ordoliberalism and of smart governance – which are not usually practiced in literature; (ii) logical and institutional mechanism of grounding the smart governance on the Ordoliberalism; (iii) a (co)evolutive chreode of smart governance based on Ordoliberalism (iv) normative „roadmap” to initiate and maintain the (co)evolutive pack Ordoliberalism – Smart Governance. The implications of the research and their results and conclusions address especially academics and researchers but, in some measure, could bring usefulness also to political decision-makers. The novelty of the paper resides, mainly, in the methodology applied (massively based on the logical analysis, not a simple historical one), the connection between Ordoliberalism and smart governance, and in highlighting on the fact that the institutional pack Ordoliberalism – smart governance must be an intellectual project not an emergent one.
Keywords: sufficiency predicates, (co)evolution, legitimacy, deliberativeness.
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