Author: Fredrick Mutabaruka


This paper is about The Significance of Rural Women Groups to the Household Incomes of Members: A Transformational Model to Rural Development, a Case of Selected Villages in Uganda. The Study examined the activities rural women groups are engaged in from the selected villages, established the contributions of rural women groups to the households’ income of members and examined the relevance of the rural women groups in the communities where they exist. This study employed a mixed methods research design. Use of questionnaire and interviews was done which enabled ground truth. The unit of analysis was small rural women groups where the sample was based. One sub county was selected and all registered women groups were selected for this study. Quantitative data was analyzed by use of descriptive tables while qualitative data was analyzed through transcription of recorded data. Narrative and summarizations was done to make conclusions. The study recommended comprehensive progrsamme support for better improvement of members’ household incomes.

Keywords:  Significance, Household Incomes, Transformational Model, Rural Development


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