Author: Chizorom Ebosie Okoronkwo


In today’s digital age, algorithms play a pivotal role in shaping media content distribution, which may possibly influence what content individuals are exposed to. Consequently, this may have implications for diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI). Hence, this review analyzes algorithmic bias in media material distribution and its impact on media consumption and the implications for diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI). The study concludes that algorithm bias limits the visibility of underprivileged groups and perpetuates current social injustices, posing serious problems for media distribution. Moreover, there are risks and opportunities associated with the development of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning in tackling algorithmic inequities. Furthermore, there is a need for collaborative efforts among different stakeholders (engineers, policymakers, and media platforms) in creating a more inclusive and equitable algorithms in order to ensure that media distribution systems promote fairness and diversity.


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