Authors: Luh Putu Diah Puspayanthi, Ni Luh Putu Agustini Karta* & Saortua Marbun


This research analyzes the mediating role of entrepreneurial marketing on the impact of government policies on competitiveness. It is a causal comparative study with a quantitative approach, focusing on cocoa product processing entrepreneurs in Jembrana Regency. The sample comprises chocolate product processing entrepreneurs and MSME managers producing chocolate from fermented cocoa beans, selected through purposive non-probability sampling. A total of 100 questionnaires distributed to these entrepreneurs. Primary data collected via these questionnaires, while secondary data comes from books, journals, online articles, the Central Statistics Agency, and other supporting documents. The study employs quantitative statistical methods to test hypotheses using SEM-PLS analysis techniques, which include two stages: evaluation of the outer model and evaluation of the inner model. The findings reveal that government policies positively and significantly affect entrepreneurial marketing and the competitiveness of chocolate MSMEs in Jembrana Regency. Furthermore, entrepreneurial marketing itself positively and significantly influences the competitiveness of these MSMEs. Importantly, entrepreneurial marketing mediates the impact of government policies on their competitiveness..

Keywords: Government Policy, Competitiveness, Entrepreneurial Marketing, MSMEs.


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