Author: Pitshou Moleka, PhD


Innovation has become a fundamental driver of economic progress, social well-being, and environmental sustainability in the 21st century. As organizations and policymakers grapple with the complexities of fostering and scaling transformative innovations, the need for robust, multidimensional approaches to measuring innovation performance has become increasingly critical. This article presents a comprehensive innovation metrics framework that is grounded in the emerging field of Innovationology, a transdisciplinary science developed by the author for understanding the multilevel, systemic, and contextual nature of innovation processes and outcomes. Drawing on the Innovationology perspective, the proposed framework transcends traditional financial and output-based measures to capture the intangible, organizational, ecosystem, societal, and sustainability-oriented determinants of innovation success. This multidimensional approach empowers global stakeholders to navigate the evolving innovation landscape, make informed decisions, and unlock the transformative potential of innovation for sustainable progress. Moreover, the article critically examines the limitations of conventional national and global innovation indices, such as the Global Innovation Index (GII) and the Bloomberg Innovation Index, which have long been the primary tools for benchmarking and comparing innovation performance across countries. Recognizing the shortcomings of these static, input-output-oriented models, this study proposes alternative frameworks that better capture the multidimensional, contextual, and systemic nature of innovation performance, drawing on the theoretical foundations of Innovationology. By integrating a diverse set of quantitative and qualitative indicators across multiple levels of analysis, this Innovationology-based innovation metrics framework empowers organizations, policymakers, and innovation ecosystem members to foster a more holistic understanding of their innovation capabilities, identify areas for improvement, and align their innovation efforts with the pressing challenges of the 21st century, ultimately contributing to the realization of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.

Keywords: Innovation metrics, Innovationology, performance measurement, intangible assets, organizational culture, innovation ecosystems, sustainability, global innovation index, national innovation index


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