Authors: Emmanuel Olurotimi Olubodede, Antony Iorver Igyuve, Ph.D & Josiah Sabo Kente, Ph.D


Professionalism is imperative and required in every profession to carve an itch for itself. In view of the above, this seminar article examines the notions of ARCON-based advertising standards and relative adherence tendency by ARCON members in Lagos State. The research, which is theoretically framed by the value theory and social responsibility theory, employs qualitative survey research method via structured physical oral interview guide instrument to ascertain the ARCON-based advertising standards and relative adherence among advertising practitioners in Lagos state. The interviews involved five advertising practitioners and two ARCON officials. The interviewees were purposively considered due to relative experiences and willingness to participate in the research. The paper reveals that even though there are well established and generally acceptable standards for professional advertising practice in Lagos state, there is relatively poor compliance among some ARCON-registered member and some media organisations. There are also reported complicity by some registered members who aid unregistered practices in Lagos State.

Keywords: ARCON-based advertising standard, ARCON-members, ARCON-officials, Advertising practitioners, and adherence.


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