Author: Nguyen Van Son
Local self-government is a popular development trend in countries around the world. It is the administrative activity of the government in the direction of autonomy, self-determination on the organization of the apparatus and local development tasks. Many countries have built a model of local self-government with its own features, suitable to the characteristics of their political, cultural and social regimes. Although many countries have not yet built a clear model of local self-government, they have strongly decentralized power to localities, creating diversity in the way of managing social development at the local level in each country. This study analyzes the characteristics of local self-government and analyzes the practice of local self-government in Vietnam; compares the practice in Vietnam with some countries in the world. With the above objective, the author explains the practical advantages and limitations in local self-government activities in Vietnam and suggests some issues that need to be further researched and innovated to build an effective government apparatus.
Keywords: Local government; Local self-government; Vietnam.
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