Authors: Mohamed Sadkaoui & Mohammed Boulghalagh


Social protection has been known as a fundamental human right since decades, many organizations across the globe called for a just social protection to preserve human dignity in the worldwide, the international labor organization was the first institution to call for the recognition of that right since its creation in 1919. While multiple institutions have advocated the same determination through laid down strategies and recommendations and reports, the most prominent examples are the United Nations and World Bank Group. Following that path, and inspired by institutional guidelines and directives, Morocco has achieved a considerable level in the field, after adopting the framework law n° 09-21 about social protection in 2021 that expended the concept to cover all segments of society. The implementation of such a system exposes multiple financial and economic challenges that the state must address, in order to reach the intended goals and guarantee the prosperity of the nation.

Keywords: Social protection- expended social protection system- Moroccan social protection.


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