Author: Palmer Ilabor Ikechukwu


Organizational downsizing, especially in high-risk industries, poses significant challenges to workplace safety, often increasing the incidence of human errors and safety risks due to decreased workforce morale, heightened stress, and reduced resources. This study evaluates the role of Human Resource Management (HRM) and targeted communication strategies in mitigating these risks, aiming to uncover effective practices that maintain safety standards and minimize human errors during workforce reductions in a case study of Oil and Gas (O&G. By analyzing HRM approaches in high-risk industries such as oil and gas, this research examines the impact of communication strategies on employee engagement, safety compliance, and overall morale during downsizing. Additionally, it investigates the comparative effectiveness of downsizing alternatives-including re-engineering, rightsizing, and restructuring on employee retention and safety outcomes. The study also explores automation’s potential as an alternative to layoffs, assessing its effects on both safety performance and employee retention. Findings from this research aim to provide HRM professionals and organizational leaders with actionable insights into designing and implementing downsizing strategies that prioritize health, safety, and morale. By integrating psychosocial risk management and strategic communication within HRM practices, organizations can better navigate the complexities of downsizing while safeguarding employee well-being and minimizing workplace incidents. This research contributes to a deeper understanding of sustainable downsizing strategies that balance economic demands with employee health and safety considerations.

Keywords: Downsizing; Workforce stability; Economic crisis; Risk mitigation; psychosocial well-being


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