Authors: Chioma Ifeoma Agbasimelo, PhD & Kingsley Chukwudubem Ezekwelu, PhD


This study investigates the impact of digital manipulation disclosures on Instagram posts and how they influence the perceived source credibility and authenticity of social media influencers. With the proliferation of digital editing tools, the line between authentic and manipulated content is increasingly blurred, raising questions about trustworthiness and credibility in influencer marketing. This research explores how audience respond to manipulation disclosures and the effect of these disclosures on influencers’ credibility. The study was guided by Source Credibility Theory. The study participants were 423 Instagram users sampled through crowd sourcing. The study utilized survey data collected from social media users using a structured online questionnaire. Data was analyzed using frequency and percentages, mean, standard deviation and chi-square. The study found that digital manipulation disclosure on Instagram posts is important for credibility and authenticity. The study also found that digital manipulation disclosure enhances Instagram users trust in the content shared by social media influencers. The study further found a significant relationship between exposure to digital manipulation disclosure and perceived authenticity of influencers on Instagram. Furthermore, the study found that when influencers disclose their use of digital manipulation, it increases Instagram users’ interest in their content. Based on the findings of this study, it was recommended that Instagram as a social media platform should always promote standardized disclosure labels for digitally manipulated images as this will help users easily identify edited content as well as increase trust of influencers by Instagram users.

Keywords: Instagram, Social Media Influencers, Digital Manipulation Disclosure, Credibility, Authenticity


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